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Ethical Trade & Social Responsibility

POLICY & STATEMENTS Ethical Trading Policy

Business & Corporate Social Responsibility

Summary Statement

The Ace Supply Company Ltd t/a Streetwize strongly believe that ethical principles and social accountability is an essential element within its overall business plan. This policy therefore applies to, and will be integrated with, all business activities, products and services with the potential to impact on individuals and society. We recognise and accept our legal duty of care toward social accountability and are committed not only to complying with our legal duties and with other requirements to which we subscribe but to exceed these requirements where reasonably practicable.

We will seek to identify all areas which social accountability is key and will audit our supply chain to ensure that local legal and socially accepted conditions are adhered to. All suppliers must fill supplier audits which relate to this, and all elements of our UK operation will adhere to local laws on employment and social matters. Specifically, we will question and investigate all suppliers on the matters of child labour, forced labour, equal opportunities, freedom of association, working hours, reasonable compensation and disciplinary practices and strive to achieve high standards in all those areas across all of our operations and supply chain. The Ethical Trading Initiative covers the following provisions:

  • Employment is freely chosen.
  • Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining respected.
  • Working conditions are safe and hygienic.
  • Child Labour shall not be used.
  • Living wages are paid.
  • Working hours are not excessive.
  • No discrimination is practised.
  • Regular employment is provided for those who are employed on a permanent contract.
  • No Harsh, cruel or degrading treatment or practices are allowed.
  • No bribery, corruption, blackmail or bullying is allowed.

The provisions of this code constitutes minimum and not maximum standards, this code is not used to prevent this Company from exceeding these standards. Where possible standards will be improved upon.

Policy Statement

The Company recognises that our commercial activities have potential to impact our suppliers and our local community.

As a socially responsible business our suppliers, community and customers have a right to expect:

  • Products sourced are produced under working conditions that are hygienic and safe.
  • All workers in the supply chain are treated with full consideration to their basic human rights.
  • The Company acts in an ethical manner above and beyond basic legal requirements.
  • The Company recognises that our ethical and social performance and reputation is a key part of our overall commercial success.

Employment is freely chosen

  • There is no forced, bonded or involuntary labour.
  • Employees are not required to lodge “deposits” or their identity papers with the Company and are free to leave after serving reasonable notice as set out in their contact of employment.

Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining

  • All employees have the right to freedom of speech providing dignity and respect is shown at all times. There should be no breach of legislation relating to sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion or age.

Working conditions are safe and hygienic

  • A safe and hygienic working environment is provided.
  • All employees receive regular and recorded health and safety training and have access to the Health and Safety Policy.
  • The nominated management representative regularly monitors compliance with the Health and Safety Regulations.
  • The Company takes adequate measures to prevent accidents and minimise potential hazards.
  • Appropriate PPE is provided to all employees who require them.

Child Labour shall not be used

  • Child labour is not to be used in any part of our supply chain and is a violation of fundamental human rights and has been shown to hinder children’s development, potentially leading to lifelong physical or psychological damage.

Living wages are paid

 All employees shall be provided with written and understandable information regarding their employment conditions in respect to wages before they enter employment and particulars for the pay period concerned each time they get paid  Wages paid for a standard working week shall meet and preferably exceed the national minimum wage.  Employees will be advised and agree to any deductions made from wages.

Working hours are not excessive

  • Working hours comply with the Working Time Regulations
  • Staff are given written terms and conditions of employment that details the employment relationship between and the respective obligations of the employee and the employer, rates of pay, working hours, grievance and disciplinary procedures, holiday entitlement, absence and sick pay rules and notice periods for termination of employment.
  • No deductions are made from wages as a disciplinary measure and pay slips detailing lawful deductions are provided for each pay period.

No discrimination is practised

  • There is no discrimination in pay, hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, national origin, religion, age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, union membership or political affiliation.

Regular employment is provided for those who are employed on a permanent contract

  • All employees are provided with details of their standard hours of work in their Terms and Conditions of Employment.
  • Employees are given reasonable notice of any change in hours. No Harsh, cruel or inhumane treatment or practices are allowed
  • Physical, sexual, verbal abuse as well as harassment and other forms of intimidation are strictly prohibited and are grounds for dismissal if proven

No bribery, corruption, blackmail or bullying is allowed

  • Bribery is the practice of offering something (money, gifts, hospitality or services) in return for or in expectation of more favourable treatment. Suppliers must conduct their businesses in an ethical manner and must not seek to gain competitive advantage by means of unethical or dishonest practices including without limitation; bribery, corruption, kickbacks, the provision of gifts, favours or services.

Involvement with suppliers

The Company will, wherever possible, ensure that our suppliers adopt the standards that are contained in the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code. We will commit to help our suppliers draw up such documents making sure that they too are committed to the policy of ethical trading by identifying and promoting good practice in the implementation of codes of labour practice.

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