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Modern Slavery Act Statement


Streetwize Accessories conducts its business with high standards of integrity and honesty and expects the same standards from all employees, suppliers and contractors. Some of our key corporate policies can be read here. Our Approach Streetwize Accessories recognises its responsibility to respect human rights throughout its operations.

We are committed to ensuring that people are treated with dignity and respect by upholding internationally recognised human rights principles encompassed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

Our approach is to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UN Guiding Principles) and to recognise and manage the risk of harm associated with our business, including modern slavery, unsatisfactory working conditions, discrimination, lack of freedom of association, retained wages, working excessive hours, human trafficking and forced or bonded labour, particularly to the most vulnerable and exploited, such as women and children.

As a business we shall seek to avoid infringing the human rights of others and work to address any adverse human rights impacts we identify. Based on salient risk analysis of our operations and activities we have identified five key stakeholder groups who have the greatest potential to be impacted or harmed and where Streetwize Accessories attention should be primarily focused and these are: -

  • People working for Streetwize Accessories suppliers and business partners; -
  • People working for service providers to Streetwize Accessories; -
  • Employees of all Streetwize Accessories group companies; -
  • Communities whose environment is impacted by the sourcing and manufacture of Streetwize Accessories products, such as by water pollution from Streetwize Accessories suppliers’ factories; * Streetwize Accessories Customers in relation to their safety, privacy and right not to be discriminated against.

Our Commitment

We take seriously any allegation of human rights abuse in all its forms and will not tolerate human rights’ abuse against individuals within Streetwize Accessories key stakeholder groups.

Streetwize Accessories is committed to respecting internationally recognised human rights, and in particular we will undertake all reasonable and practical steps in relation to the following: -

  • Requiring that safe, healthy and secure working conditions are provided, which are free from discrimination and which allow freedom of association and a fair wage for people within Streetwize Accessories supply chain and within Streetwize Accessories; -
  • Not tolerating any forms of modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour or child labour against any individual working for Streetwize Accessories suppliers or Streetwize Accessories business partners or within The Ace Supply Company Ltd; -
  • Treating Streetwize Accessories customers, those working for or with Streetwize Accessories, fairly and without discrimination; -
  • Respecting the human rights of people in communities impacted by our operations.
  • Streetwize Accessories has policies and procedures in place to identify, prevent or mitigate human rights’ risks and remediate any adverse impact operations may have caused or contributed to.

Our Aims

For Streetwize Accessories suppliers, business partners and employees of the The Ace Supply Company Ltd, to understand and comply with this policy; -

  • To ensure that all of our direct contractual arrangements, procurement principles and training supports respect for human rights by all Streetwize Accessories employees, suppliers and business partners; -
  • To work with our Streetwize Accessories suppliers and business partners in a collaborative manner to build awareness of human rights impacts.
  • We recognise that preventing, detecting and reporting instances of human rights abuse connected with Streetwize Accessories business operations, including modern slavery, is the responsibility of Streetwize Accessories and of all of our suppliers, business partners and employees of the Streetwize Accessories.

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